Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29, 2010, Fits and Starts

Hello all. Just getting started, so this may be a bit uneven.

Wow, the first month of the last year of the decade is nearly over. Just four weeks ago the Christmas celebrations were winding down--or even completed for many people. It seems like permission is granted earlier each year to forget temporary, useless things like good will and spiritual kinship and go back to the more productive behaviors of shoving, shouting and general head-in-the-trough-ism. Yeah, I'm very old fashioned. So much for the original 12 Days of Christmas (when the commercial spendfest begins even before Hallowe'en, all but the most spiritually dedicated are glad when December 25 finally arrives) and so much for civil behavior. *sigh* So much for trying to remain upbeat.

BTW, just to forestall any "Dear Fellow Christian" correspondence--I'm not. I was reared in a RC family, did the parochial school thing, even to considering the sisterhood, BUT despite a certain appreciation for what may or may not be the true teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, I left Churchianity over 35 years ago. My religious practice is important, but it's definitely not mainstream. Also, in case anyone is ready to ignite their flamethrower, I will not tolerate rudeness here. Please meditate on the words of my dear, former-Methodist mother, "God doesn't throw anything away."

FWIW, on December 25, 2009, I celebrated a vegetarian Mithrasmas with a libation of Egri Bikavir in honor of Dionysus.

Before anyone shoots off his/her fingers with a pointless comment about that decade thing, just start counting. Did you begin with "zero" or with "one"? There's being reasonable and there's being impressed with zeros--which mean nothing at all. And yes, it's just one of those many pointless things that needlessly raise the blood pressure of otherwise sensible people (and especially the less than sensible) BUT everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is where I declare mine.

Please forgive any tyops, intentional or otherwise.

Toodles for now,

Tripatra the Catzoid

"If the only prayer you say in your life is “thank you”, that would suffice."
Meister Eckhart

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