Friday, October 15, 2010

So just where do we find the Great Mother?

Let Ramprasad Sen help you find Her....

O Mind, do you still cherish this fantasy of yours?
What is Kali that you stare and haven't seen Her?
o, you know the Three World are the Mother's image,
You know, but do you really believe it?
What kind of thing is your heart that it makes Her likeness
In clay and then offers it up prayers?

Grace & Mercy, poem 55, page 63


You'll find Mother
In any house.

Do I dare say it in public?

She is Bhairavi with Shiva,
Durga with Her children,
Sita with Lakshmana.

She's mother, daughter, wife, sister --
Every woman close to you.

What more can Ramprasad say?
You work the rest out from these hints.

Grace & Mercy, poem 52, page 60


Sing Kali's glory,
Make a happy racket,
Paddle this old boat of a body
As fast as you can.

What's the trouble
Of this world anyhow?

Hoist your mind
To catch the wind.
Death can just stand on the shore
And gape as you go spanking by,
Sail full of the southern breeze.

Shiva's no liar --
He'll make all these powers
Over which He has power

Prasad says: Anyone
Who doesn't agree
Can just get out.

Grace and Mercy, poem 59, page 66


Now can you answer my question? No need to make or find images, She's everywhere and in every woman. Best of all, She's within our hearts, if only we open ourselves to look for her. Once we find Her, the world will never look the same.

Jai Maa! Namaste' and Blessed Be!

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